布莱泽奥特曼日语是由田口清隆,辻本贵则,中川和博,越知靖,武居正能,宫崎龙太执导,蕨野友也,捣宫姫奈主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:在全球怪物灾难爆发后,世界各国于1966年成立了地球防卫队( ),以应对来自地球内外的怪物和外星生命的袭击。 如今,人类对自然界的破坏和全球变暖现象日益严重。 一天晚上,宇宙甲壳怪物巴赞甲出现
4.5/5 1. Hokusai says, look forward to getting old. 2. very, very touched by Roger Keyes, specifically他身上那种美国无用文人特有的,迷人的fragility,说着"he was a hero, he just thought he had a connection with life, which is precious"就泣不成声的美丽fragility 3. 人生真的是一场修行 “He says it doesn't matter if you draw, or write books. It doesn't matter if you saw wood, or catch fish. It doesn't matter if you sit at home and stare at the ants on your veranda or the shadows of the trees and grasses in your garden. It matters that you care. It matters that you feel. It matters that you notice. It matters that life lives through you.“