张卫国的夏天是由刘闯执导,黄磊,刘奕君,海清,梅婷,李林谦,江鹏,苏小明,韩童生主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:本剧讲述了知足常乐的京剧团道具师傅张卫国(黄磊 饰)做了大半辈子的京剧,虽然过着特别普通的生活,却深信自己是“皇家的后裔”。在一次参加剧团师兄弟的聚会上,一群各自失意的中年男人开始各种浮夸的自我包
The decay that we try to avoid in our everyday life is vital part for all life on earth. Life doesn’t stop with death. Everything will eventually die and it has to be returned into the great cycle which from death to life death to life and so on. Life is an ever repeating cycle. Every atom inside everyone of us was once a part of something else.