《牙狼 -死亡线-》剧情简介
牙狼 -死亡线-是由朴性厚,林祐一郎,清水久敏,高桥谦仁,下司泰弘,浅见松雄,山田弘和,白石道太,井之川慎太郎执导,关智一,钉宫理惠,岛崎信长,小清水亚美,浪川大辅,土师孝也,田中敦子,高桥智秋主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:高度发展的都市,拉塞尔市。 在讴歌繁荣的这座城市中,动摇这个世界的巨大阴谋开始启动—— 立刻察知阴谋动向的男人索德,为了揭露阴谋而投身于不为人知的战斗当中。但他得到的线索却只有“El Dora
《牙狼 -死亡线-》相关评论
"That's right, it's a rarity in the horror field but it does exist, and it is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go. Godfather, Jedi, all revealed something that we thought was true that wasn't true."