幸福二重奏是由梦继执导,殷桃,孙艺洲,袁弘,姜妍,陈米麒,马志威,于明加,代乐乐,曾黎,王策,黄澄澄主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:本剧改编自豆瓣阅读连载小说《老公孩子一起养》,作者爱莉莉。 廖莎是销售界的精英,性格强势,在事业上,她总是可以排除万难、力争上游。回到家中,廖莎却要面对性格佛系的丈夫方程。方程工作多年,却仍是普
戛然而止 - 以及陈朵和廖叔的关系我是没想到的.. 主要角色太多然而时长有限每个角色笔墨又太少 观感总觉得差点意思 - 要看可能还是要看漫画 || 我的宝宝又回来啦 - 好喜欢鬼畜ED哈哈哈
「Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.」「You didn't call just to apologize, did you? You have no one else to call!」「Sometimes it's easier living the lie. I'm going to let you fly tonight. I'm not even going to try to stop you. That's 'cause I know you'll be back on Monday. → Yeah? How do you know I'll come back? → Look. Nobody's chasing you.」