武装机甲是由日高政光执导,柿原彻也,能登麻美子,福山润,中村悠一,泽城美雪,植田佳奈,钉宫理惠,平野绫,中田让治,大原沙耶香,斋藤千和,下屋则子主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:《武装机甲》(鉄のラインバレル)是日本漫画家清水荣一×下口智裕的机器人漫画作品,目前在秋田书店下属的Champion RED杂志上连载,2008年决定动画化,由GONZO负责动画制作。 性格胆小
No joke I exclusively watch this before bed to help me fall asleep. The show (or this type of crime drama) is just interesting enough to keep me engaged so my brain chatter calms down and simultaneously boring enough that I'm not too invested in the story. Perfect for bedtime.