滚动吧小齿轮是由傅潇仪 Xiaoyi Fu执导,刘畅,淮文,文生,邱赫南主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:故事根据日本人气漫画《社畜人》改编,讲述了乐队主唱杨可以(刘畅 饰演)在出道失败后,不幸沦为黑心广告公司社畜,在奇葩上司叶守愚(淮文 饰演)的“特殊关照”,废柴同事林开心(文生 饰演)的拖后腿,以
「I will never understand those people. → Those people? Those people are my family.」「It seems to me that being interested in more people is generally better than being interested in fewer people.」「Someone else telling you that you can't have it, suddenly it makes you want the chicken more than anything. → Or maybe it makes you realize how much you love chicken.」「Sometimes you just don't wanna sleep alone.」「If you believe in the life you've lived, then don't let someone else take it away. Take back your story before it's too late.」「If you've manipulated the truth, is it the truth anymore?」