赌霸天下1993是由徐正康执导,关礼杰,梁艺龄,林伟,张翼,骆应钧,关宝慧,刘兆铭主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:贺飞沙(关礼杰)有乃赌王贺一(江汉)之子。沙生性不羁,游手好闲,常被严父斥责。沙之兄贺飞扬(林伟)刚从国外学医归来,结识了父亲对头成坚(张翼)的女儿成沅沅(梁佩玲),二人共坠爱河。 时一赌术高手龙
I like Malcolm and Dewey and Reese, all these kids are great and talented people, but the parants is the worst parants ever, especially the mother, what a control freak, what a monster. She wants to control every single detail of the three olders' life and wasted all their telant, she deneys evey simgle choice made by the kids just to fulfill her own mortal standard, she destroyed all her children's life just to achive her own unfinished dream.