有句话叫“Give me liberty or give me death”,即“不自由,毋宁死”。世上不管什么国家、什么民族,对于自由的向往都是美好的,被剥夺自由是比被剥夺性命更大的伤害,在巨大权利剥夺了自由将是暗无天日的压迫,而那一声恸破天地的自由的呐喊,是人类呼唤自由的最强音。
When a powerful satellite system falls into the hands of Alec Trevelyan, AKA Agent 006 (Sean Bean), a former ally-turned-enemy, only James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) can save the world from an awesome space weapon that -- in one short pulse -- could destroy the earth! As Bond squares off against his former compatriot, he also battles Trevelyan's stunning ally, Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), an assassin who uses pleasure as her ultimate weapon.