灵剑尊是由叶老酒执导,kinsen,柳知萧,关帅,冷泉夜月,季骜杰,张妮,钟巍主演的一部国产动漫。主要讲述了:《灵剑尊》是由索以文化制作的3D动画。根据同名小说《灵剑尊》和漫画《灵剑尊》改编。该动画讲述了落魄少年楚行云立志要改变现状奋发图强创造一片新天地的故事 大梦一场,落魄少年立志要改变现状奋发图强创
I found myself hardly moved by films dealt with the past which was hardly happening on the screen. Therefore the grief has become overweighted; characters as walking dead. I was detached from the reality alongwith the emotions; consciously wondering the auteur’s consciousness. It deprived the power of its pure cinematic form for lacking of a story.