喜欢英文名Bitter Flowers,意为苦涩的花朵,更贴合电影的基调。想到片尾夫妻俩又照常生火做饭的场景,一阵辛酸之意袭来。在生活面前,那些说不清道不明的面子和里子又算得了什么。不论是不是英雄,不问出处都是为人最深的包容与涵养。敬每一个靠自己本事活着的人。
From the beginning "I chose not to choose life", with nothing but heroin in hand, to the end "I'm cleaning up, moving forward, going straight and choosing life", with a windfall (from a heroin deal) in hand, he changed, getting sick of the past chaos and eager for the ordinary - "getting by, looking ahead to the day you die"...