pps评分8•3还是多少,某人巨兴奋说神偷系列。。。开头十分钟我睡了一次- -到吊车那一块,坑爹的感觉越来越明显。。。纯金的法拉利,可以放到电梯上面不超重?擦玻璃的吊车可以吊好几吨的车?而且导演已经无法自圆其说的把法拉利再放回楼顶了!日!
I hope when you're reading this letter, that I'm sitting there next to you and you're telling me that I'm stupid for writing it and crazy for trying to find you. But how could I not? It's you. All this time, so many years apart, I've missed you, but I have never been without you. You have always been with me.