#with bo# 致郁系,导演和编剧都有绝对的野心,想要把关于听障人士的性侵话题做一个升级,而她们也确实这么做了。然而从成片来看,最终结果也不过勉勉强强,编剧的技巧还是稚嫩,在一个短小的电影篇幅里,她把几乎可以想到的元素,不管是展现受害者心理的、还是家庭教育缺位的,甚至是教育机构阴暗面的内容通通塞进故事里,致使尽管每个元素单看都掷地有声,而放在一起就不免有些支离破碎。导演倒是整体完成度更高,恐怖氛围营造得很好,音效非常贴合“无声”的片名,有个别镜头(如老师统计受害者数字、小光被侵犯录像的最后倒退卡帧)都很能看出导演的心思。
I like Malcolm and Dewey and Reese, all these kids are great and talented people, but the parants is the worst parants ever, especially the mother, what a control freak, what a monster. She wants to control every single detail of the three olders' life and wasted all their telant, she deneys evey simgle choice made by the kids just to fulfill her own mortal standard, she destroyed all her children's life just to achive her own unfinished dream.