娱乐圈就是个圈,永远不缺乏野心勃勃向上爬的人,迟早有人会取而代之。有野心是对的,但不能踩着别人,不要问心有愧。 幸好玛戈有比尔,她醒悟得早啊。 eve的野心其实也很肤浅,又太心急了,想利用记者,还不是被看透了。 记者说的对,他们都是不可理喻的人,瞧不起芸芸众生,无法爱与被爱,填不满的欲望,用不尽的才能,真乃绝配,一下子相爱相杀的氛围就有了。
this is what the history book taught us to be righteous is, and now the nationalists crucify anyone who dares to defy their far-right values and point out how they masquerade nationalism as patriotism (just like the german nazis), funny how the history always repeats itself and the majority of people grow to be on the wrong side of it