境界触发者第三季是由畑野森生,小川孝治执导,村中知,梶裕贵,田村奈央,中村悠一,岛崎信长主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:TV动画《境界触发者 第三季》公开特报映像,该作将于2021年10月9日开始播出!TV动画《境界触发者》第3季制作决定!《境界触发者》动画第一季于2014年10月至2016年4月播出,共73集,作为其
「The poetry of vibrations cannot be described with the vulgarity of words.」「They've been asking me for years why I don't write another novel. But look at these people. This wildlife! This is my life and it's nothing. Flaubert wanted to write a book about nothing but he failed, so could I do it?」「After all... it's just a trick. Yes, it's just a trick.」