天下第一丑是由沈好放执导,夏雨,梁冠华,朱媛媛,周传一,胡可主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:故事发生在清朝咸丰年间,天津才子刘保山(夏雨 饰)名冠京华,学识渊博,更是一个嫉恶如仇、狷介耿直的堂堂君子,却也因此冲撞惹恼巡城御史路登高(梁冠华 饰)和六王爷(修宗迪 饰)。不愿掉入酱缸官场的刘
▤「Whatever you're going through, someone's been through it before you, put it into words.」「We each have to carry our own burden.You're like the explorer. You're further down the road. You've gone on ahead. So if after a while you don't go on anymore, then I'll know that the road is too hard and for too long. I'll know that in the end, the unhappiness wins. But if you do go on and bear it, terrible as it is, then I'll know that however bad it gets, I can last it out because you did before me.」「Sudden Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti」「Hold my hands and walk the old walk one last time then let me go.」