亲爱的活祖宗是由毛小睿执导,陈哲远,董晴,戴向宇,王汀,李彩桦,陶思源,王永峰,仇佩佩主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:无极网新晋员工甄可意(董晴 饰)在误打误撞之中唤醒了睡眠舱里的甄骏(陈哲远 饰),因为甄可意拥有着和甄骏兄长极为相似的长相,因此被甄骏当成了这个陌生世界里的唯一一颗救命稻草,因而为死死地抓住不放。
This is just so WesAnderson, the only person to make this mess-up story into such an exquisite, healing and hilarious one. All movement settled in one plane with strictly 90 degree angle in mostly bright yellow pinky color which makes you want to cry for just pure beauty.