冷案是由谭嘉言执导,李媛,施诗,王雨,陈牧扬,蒲萄,许愿,李诚儒,王庆祥,程煜,杨新鸣,谭希和,赵丽娟,吴国华,董畅,邓莎,孙浩涪,周依然,马歌,周小川主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:在“话唠体质女干部”罗英玮(李媛 饰)的带领下,平陵市公安局档案室的三个年轻女警:“八卦小天后”蔡文心(施诗 饰),“美艳励志姐”夏洛阳(蒲萄 饰),“沉默小文员”冯壹(许愿 饰),组成了一个让人
Based on a real story, in a war where no two brothers can serve in the same troop, and a mission for a man consumed almost all of the eight men. A history that never should have been forgotten, an assembly of men that deserve all the respects and tears.