空镜子是由杨亚洲执导,陶虹,牛莉,姜武,许亚军,刘冠军,何冰,马恩然,彭玉主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:活在姐姐孙丽(牛莉 饰)影子下的孙燕(陶虹 饰)一直都渴望成为姐姐那样的人,长得漂亮,学历又高,周围一直男孩子不断,而自己一切都很平平。漂亮的姐姐虽然喜欢英俊的青梅竹马马黎明(许亚军 饰),但嫌他
三星半,没崩令人意外,整体合格水平 毕竟对真人日漫改作品报的期望不大 就算日本人亲自拍,惨不忍睹的案例也比比皆是 棋魂一直是我看过日本漫画里编剧最顶尖的之一 原作厉害到只要按部就班拍出60%的水准 就能达到十分吸引人的程度 所以好看大部分是来自于剧情方面对于原著剧情还原度高 看到没意思的部分都是原创发挥 除此之外, 整体镜头语言和表演都是电视剧级的 褚嬴的表演不错 ps1:看完以后好想再看一遍漫画!! ps2:没想到翻拍到音乐都一样,如果能把动画全部音乐都拿来配就更好了
A much appreciated satire, hilarious and thought-provoking, recommended by Mark Fisher in his essay "Capitalist Realism". Mike Judge, the director & writer of the original animated material, makes an accurate depiction of daily life at work in a service-oriented corporation. The obsession with layoffs, the quotidian harassing by the boss, the absurdity of bureaucratic demands, the boot-licking of the submissive faction VS the fear and hopelessness of the rest, and even the most mundane details (esp. the constantly defective copy-machine) hit home. Much material indeed for social commentary. The most striking is the tyrannical order of EXPRESSING YOURSELF, a revelatory contradiction.