加油,你是最棒的是由刘新执导,邓伦,马思纯,倪虹洁,韩童生,邬君梅,张雯,范湉湉,林雪,陈楚翰,王同辉,韩昕妤,苗皓钧,麻骏主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:郝泽宇(邓伦 饰)北漂十年,却籍籍无名。经纪人滕丹(邬君梅 饰)不告而别,将他转手给了毫无经验的牛美丽(倪虹洁 饰),让他感到不解和愤怒。为了找到滕丹,郝泽宇暂时接受了这个安排,可新团队却让他傻了
who is she? she is just the prey for some guys who are mad for killing people by the special way. Being a mad man is not your fault, but when your characteristic threaten other's lives, you are a monster which is not worthy of sympathy