c [初夏·半凉﹏
"给我亲爱的太太,里昂,我爱你,世界上,无人能比,直到永远,我留下了二千七百元,从我的寿险理赔金里拿出来的,这就当做你变性手术的费用,如果有剩,全都给你,我只要求,在我的一周年忌日,你别忘了来看我. " T.T
Insanely intimate, and poetically beautiful human bonds. The heartfelt and enchanting conversations. A few sneaks of the intriguing and charismatic rapport that is awe-spring and only a part of the huge iceberg. A gallery of flashback of memories of time. I may have lost all my words; just simply, in short, bewitching.