白夜破晓是由刘英剑执导,潘粤明,王龙正,梁缘,王迅,吴晓亮,费启鸣,鄂靖文,尹姝贻,韩烨洲,侯雪龙,杨凯迪,吴文璟,刘柏希主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:白夜系列之《白夜破晓》讲述了被灭门惨案牵连的双胞胎兄弟关宏峰和关宏宇(潘粤明 饰),与隐藏在暗处的犯罪组织对抗,联合多方力量,追查“2·13灭门案”真相,最终光明战胜黑暗的故事。
2.5 Basically the same as the Kurosawa one, but this one is too clean and lacks lots of depths, details and some after-war, of course, defeated ones colonised smell. As the acting, Bill is good but Takashi is more vivid. Didn’t see any better differences between Kurosawa’s screenplay and Ishiguro‘s adaptation.